Update: We are no longer installing or servicing irrigation sprinkler systems. We also only have limited availability for new landscaping jobs.

Family Owned Since 1976


Commercial Snow Removal

Our equipment fleet is diverse in order to provide you with the quality snow removal services your site requires and you deserve. Front end loaders with 14 foot blades can clear large lots, pick-up trucks and skid steer machines will clean up those smaller and tighter lots, and sidewalk crews will make sure your customers can get to your doors. Parking lot and sidewalk salting services will help avoid potential slipping and falling incidents. We are also able to remove and haul snow off site in order to maintain your parking area. Trust Shulfer’s Sprinklers & Landscaping to take care of your snow removal needs in a timely and efficient manner.

Commercial Snow Plowing and Removal in Stevens Point and Plover